Meg Languages Games


Developed three interactive educational games for Meg Languages to make learning Mandarin and Spanish fun and engaging. The games include matching exercises, word scrambles, and a pronunciation evaluator, helping students practice language skills in an enjoyable and immersive way.

Project Information

  • Role: Fullstack Game Developer
  • Time Frame: 1+ Years
  • Team Size: 10 people
  • Tech: Unity, Scorm, Addressables, UI


I had the opportunity to work with Meg Languages on an exciting project to develop three educational games for their language learning platform. These games were created with Unity, designed with responsiveness for the web in mind, adapting to any width or height using Unity UI, and aimed to help students learn Mandarin and Spanish in an interactive and engaging way. The three games included:

  • Match Game: Players match elements from two groups, like words to their translation or images or audio.
  • Scramble Game: Players unscramble words by moving characters around, using hints provided in the form of images, text, or audio cues.
  • Pronunciation Evaluator: Players record their audio, which is then evaluated by an AI system that scores their pronunciation.

SCORM and LMS integration

To ensure the games could seamlessly integrate with the existing Learning Management System (LMS), I implemented SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) in Unity with Scorm API plugin.

SCORM is a set of technical standards for e-learning software products, ensuring that content can be shared and used across various LMS platforms.

I built the games as SCORM packages, allowing them to be deployed to the Meg Languages LMS where they could dynamically assign launch parameters such as lesson code, recording consent, and user information.

Addressables with Dynamic Data

Modularity With Different Languages

One of the key challenges of this project was making the learning content dynamic and easily manageable. I designed the games with a modular approach, using Scriptable Objects to hold a data collection of images, audio, text and metadata that could be in any language. This flexible structure allowed levels or learning modules to be updated and added without modifying the core game logic.

Addressables Loading Flow Chart

To further enhance this modularity, I made these assets Addressables, stored on AWS S3 buckets and loaded them on demand. By passing the lesson code through SCORM, the corresponding Addressable content would be loaded, enabling seamless integration with the LMS and efficient cloud content delivery.

Other Challenges I Faced and How I Solved Them